Life in a shell

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libmsn news


yesterday my friend boiko encouraged me to contact Mark Howe, the original libmsn developer. I told him about the changes I made in libmsn, and I asked him his thoughts about forking libmsn. He told me it’s been 2 years the development is stopped, and if I want to maintain the code and revive the project I’m welcome. So, there is no need to fork libmsn so far.

Now it is time to face the worst part, which is code the library. 🙂

Today I dropped all the qt code I’ve been using to help on xml parsing. Instead of qt I’m using xmlParser, which is a tiny library I found when I was googling xml related subjects.

Probably next week I’ll have some news about the current development status.


July 6, 2007 Posted by | libmsn | 3 Comments